Please provide following information about your shipment.

Clients Pick Up -- Sellers come to our warehouse to pick up their own items.

Discard -- GIGA teams help throw away returned items.

Exchange -- GIGA teams take returns to suppliers for exchange.

Giga Return to supplier -- Giga Team returns items to the suppliers.

Service Price
Local Pickup Fee
Warehouse Handling Fee
Delivery Fee(up to 3 items)
Threshold Fee(up to 3 items)
Threshold-NSR Fee(up to 3 items)
Additional Delivery Fee(from 4th item)
Assembly Fee(up to 3 items)
Additional Assembly Fee(from 4th item)
Unboxing Fee(up to 3 items)
Additional Unboxing Fee(from 4th item)
Remove Packages Fee(up to 3 items)
Additional Remove Packages Fee(from 4th item)
Return Pickup Fee(up to 3 items)
Return Pickup Additional Fee(from 4th item)
Disassembly Fee(up to 3 items)
Disassembly Additional Fee(from 4th item)
Return Processing Fee